EDIT: Thanks to Joof for doing this seriously funny interview with Tommy for me:
Where and about how long ago do you first remember learning tuck no handers?
Alright it was probably about a year ago, I was riding some abandoned warehouse with some ramps in with Joof, Teague and some other kids, and I was like hey Joof watch this and I just went up a bank and did a no hander and then that became my signature trick haha.
What's up with the Federal Fraction frame? Isn't it made for flatland? Where is it now?
Well I'm short and its a 19 inch top tube and I used to idolize Steve Hamilton back in the day so I had the opportunity to buy one for 30 dollars so I did it. I guess it's made for flatland but whatever. The first one I had for about 7 months and it got stolen at the banks jam (fuck you whoever it was) but I just recently got another one so hopefully I don't get this one stolen since they don't make them anymore
What's your relationship with your dad like? I've gotten the impression you guys are kind of close, correct me If I'm wrong.
Meh I dunno, hes always stressin' on me to pay my bills on time and be a hard worker and shit but he's awesome. He bought my first bike back in the day and he used to drive me to the skatepark all the time when I didn't drive. And hes always helped me out with bike parts and shit when I didn't have money and something broke. I've actually tried to get him to buy himself a bike haha.
Yeah I've seen that picture in your kitchen haha.. What is your definition of "grimey life"? More-so, what sort of role does it play in your life?
Haha that picture is the best. I guess my definition is just doing whatever it takes to get by in life and not giving a fuck. I guess some people have different interpretations but that's just me. It plays a role in my life pretty much every day. Like stealing Ipod chargers from Wal-mart and returning them for cash so I can get cigarettes and food and shit. Siphoning gas from cars 'cause I got no money. Going to parties and stealing 100 dollar bottles of liquor and pumping off random girls hahaha. All that good shit.
I heard Shitluck wanted you on their team (good one!), how many Sidekicks have you broken? And your car? Also, explain the Quick Check incident. No one saw that coming..
Hahaha Shitluck? Who am I Jeff Cort? Hahaha. I've broken 2 sidekicks. Well I'm postive ive broken one and the other one I left on the roof of my car so I'm pretty sure it fell off and got smashed on route 80. Something breaks on my car at least once a month so its been at least 13 times not counting flat tires. as for Quick Check they leave 8 packs of water right by the door so I used to take one every time I left, and one night I took one like usual and there's some hero standing outside and he yells "did you pay for that?" and I'm like "uhh yeah" and hes like "NO YOU FUCKING DIDN'T!" so he goes into the store and gets the guy working and he's yelling at me saying how he called the cops and I'm going to jail so I'm like fuck this and I start to jog away when all of a sudden the random hero blindsides me and knocks me to the ground and puts me in a choke hold. I couldn't breathe so I bit his arm and then Wade started yelling at him and shit so he got off of me and then the cops came. And they're like "so what happened?" and I'm like "I was trying to steal this water" and some hick ladies like "don't you deny it I saw you take it!" So I yell at her "I'm not denying it you fat fucking whore!" and the hero yells "THATS MY WIFE. YOU JUST OPENED UP A CAN OF SHIT!" and he starts to charge me again but the cops stop him. They took me to jail and my Dad had to come get me because I was only 16 and that was it haha.
Anything going on with the next LSD video? What's up with the nipple earrings? Is it true that LORD clothing flows you sticker packs?
I don't know what's up with LSD, me and Roman Stefanie were supposed to film a split part but I don't really talk to him anymore so I guess thats not happening. I also don't know what's up with the spoke nipple earrings haha. I guess I just rock them because if i ever lose one I have 10 million more. It's not true that Lord flows me sticker packs hahaha. That was Bob and now every time I see him he asks me for cigarettes. I guess I owe him haha.
What can we expect from Grimey BMX in the future?
Eventually I'm going to buy my own camera and make a video. I wanted Wade Young to do it but he's busy with Shook and other shit so I can't really depend on him since hes always going on trips and whatnot. And I guess for shirts if someone asks me for one i just make one. Stickers will be made eventually. Haha I don't know I'm a slacker but sooner or later I'll start getting shit done. www.myspace.com/grimeybmx
Ahh yes, the Shook universe... rumor has it that you're sitting on about 115 quality clips. Why not share them with the world? (You dont have to answer that one hahah.)
It's because I'm out there all day everyday killing it for nobody buy myself. I could have a Standstill or Shake bio if I wanted to, easily. But my shit is too legit for those companies. ( thats joke that not everyone will get so don't bitch at me ) hahah But seriously I don't really film that much shit. Most of the time I go out riding I sit there and just talk shit and smoke cigarettes. Steve-o said he wants to do a hidden section of me in the next Nation vid so I guess I'm filming for that right now. And maybe I'll film another internet video for all the critics out there who didn't like it. ( Fuck all you wack Candian kids who hated on it. YOU KNOW I'M NICE! ).
Anyone, or anything, you want to thank? Shout outs??
Yeah, definitely my Dad and my Mom for everything they've done. Wade Young and Anthony Villani for taking me on all those trips and introducing me to tons of new people. Joof for being my bike mechanic. Steveo for giving me bike parts all the time. Jeff Dupaul for being my shoe sponser. Ryan Taylor at the State clothing company for hooking me up with clothes. Adam for posting my video on the site. Mike Brennan, Bri Guy, Collinson, Chris Marshall, C-beef, Connecticut boyshshs, all my friends that I ride with. Everyone who liked my internet video and all the haters for talking shit on me and making me even more siked to do even more tuck no handers. I'm sure I'm forgetting people, so sorry! If i missed you.
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Friday, December 15, 2006
Tommy Petrillo Video + Interview
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8:23 PM
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